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*Sigh*One of the most frequently discombobulated facts of the Sailor Moon universe,so let me straiten it out for ya-YES, HARUKA AND MICHIRU ARE LOVERS! NAOKO TAKEUCHI SAID SO HERSELF! How much more proof does one need?!
Here are some nice quotes/memoments to be remebered of thier romance.Haruka and Michiru have a deep and understanding romantic relationship.There's no doubt that they are soul mates and that thier love is on a higher level than one can fathom.


How They Met:

*Note,if you haven't seen SMS episode#106,that this summary comes from-you're missing out! Don't worry,the vital info is here.*
Elza Grey is the girl who introduced Michiru to Haruka.
Haruka and Elza raced track together and where very competitve,Elza wanted to win,this sport was her passion,Haruka was doing it to try to out race her destiny and to be as fast as the wind.Haruka didn't really care about winning,she just wanted to out race her fate,because it scared her. Haruka never lost.Elza one day decided to introduce Haruka to Michiru,who was one of her best friends.
It was basically love at first sight.Haruka was amazed by Michiru's beauty,while Michiru was instantaneously flirtatious with Haruka,which made Haruka kind-of nervous.
The strong emotions and instant attraction scared Haruka,she doesn't like showing her emotions and wasn't really used to recieving those kind of affections,
so she ran away,running from her first and only true love out of fear.
As luck or fate would have it,they ran into each other again,this time on a cruise ship,where Michiru was giving a violin performance.Haruka was still scared and Michiru could sense it. It was there,right then,at the foot of the steps,where Michiru was waiting for Haruka,facing Michiru's seascape entitled,"The End of the World",where Haruka first expierienced Michiru's darker side,a side that not many got to see.
Michiru tried to make Haruka understand that she had dreams too,but her fate was that of a higher purpose,and there was no denying it,in the end,there was no choice,of course,Haruka didn't want to hear any of it. Haruka would not accept the fate that had been handed to her,despite Michiru's plea not to deny it,that she shouldn't run from it.
One day at the race track,a heart snatcher attacked a friend of Haruka's,a small boy,Haruka wanted to fight,but she didn't want to hurt her friend. It was then that a henshin stick appeared, Haruka reached for it,but before she could grab it,Michiru stopped her and told her that if she touched the stick,that her life would change forever,that her life would never be the same. Right befor Haruka's eyes,Michiru changed into Sailor Neptune.Michiru was able to beat the heart snatcher and return the boy back safely,but she did get hurt,in the process of the fight,she had used her body to sheild Haruka from an attack. Haruka was shocked,she couldn't believe someone would do that,for her.
All these memories came rushing to Haruka when Eudial(meanie) attacked Elza,they all came to the surface.Finally after speaking to Michiru,Haruka began expieriencing to remeber her suppressed and forgotten visions,visions she had long before she met Michiru.The visions showed her things of death,evil and destruction,but this time,it was different,she nor Michiru had to face them alone,they had each other. No longer did she fear her fate or destiny. No longer would there be running away,then or ever....


*All of the following quotes are taken from Sailor Moon S,episode#106,translations are courtesy of VKLL and Hitoshi Doi.*
"The Silence is approaching. We have to find the Messiah quickly! Only you and I can do this."
(Sailor Neptune,in Haruka's dream)
"At that time, the circuit was everything to me . . . until I met Michiru Kaioh."

"This is Michiru Kaioh. She is extremely intelligent and a brilliant painter. She really wants to meet you."
"You didn't break a sweat. I think you were holding back. Right?"
"What do you mean?"
"You can hear the wind rustling, can't you?"
"At that moment, I knew that she was that person. And she knew about my real figure! I was born a soldier. It was destiny. I was not ready to accept that fact. Probably, because I knew that once I did, everything yould change . . ."
"You're strange. So, what do you want of me?"
"Would you be a model for my painting?"
"Pass! I don't like that kind of thing."
(Elza Gray,Michiru,and Haruka)

"You are more than welcome here, genius racer Haruka Tenoh!"
"You know a lot about me, don't you? . . . Did you paint this?"
"You're famous, aren't you? In my school, there's lots of your fandom. One of them wants to ride along the coastline with you in your car . . . even though she's a girl!"
"The end of the world . . . How can a pretty girl who won't hurt a fly paint such a horrible imaginary painting?"
"It is not imaginary! I can see it clearly! As can you!"
"Ridiculous! I am Japan's first ever junior racer, Haruka Tenoh! Neither the memory of my previous life nor the end of the world is my business! If it has to be done, why don't you do it? I don't want you snooping around me anymore!"
"Stop talking that way! I don't want to do it either! I have a dream to be a violinist! I just can't keep on doing stupid things like saving the world from ruins!"
(Michiru and Haruka infront of Michiru's painting on the cruise ship)

*Haruka is attacked by a yoma(heart snatcher) and her henshin stick appears. She reaches out to grab it.*
"Don't! Don't touch it! Once you've touched it, you can never return to a normal life!"
*Michiru transforms into Sailor Neptune and fights the yoma.*
"Stop it! This was a human being until a little while ago! Are you okay with killing people?"
"The Silence is approaching! If I don't do this, there will be more sacrifices!"
"So you don't choose the way?"
"No, I don't choose the way."
"Are you still-"
*The yoma reappears behind Haruka and tries to attack her
Neptune sheilds her with her body and pulls her out of the way,but is hurt by the yoma.*
"Look out!"
*Neptune then attacks it.*
"Deep Submerge!"
*The yoma changes back into a boy after it is hit with the attack.*
"The monster?"
"It has returned to human form. Don't worry."
"I almost killed it . . . No, I'm sure I'll kill it next time. It isn't easy . . . but I chose to become a soldier."
"Then, why did you protect me? If you hurt your hands, you can't be a violinist!"
"I didn't snoop around just because you're a soldier. Before I knew that you were the one . . . I was watching you from nearby when you were racing for the first time. I always wanted to ride in your car along the coastline just once . . . You never asked any favors of anyone. You are always faithful to your feelings."
"I'm not faithful . . . I'm always running away . . ."
"I know more about you than you do, because I watch you all the time! I don't want you to take the same way as I took. Still, I was happy when I found out that you were the one . . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk about it . . . sorry . . ."
(Haruka and Michiru)

"I'm glad I met you."
"Let's just keep driving together. I won't let you go tonight."
(Haruka and Michiru)




Other quotes of thier love:

"Oh, where did you get those flowers?"
"Are you curious?"
"A little."
"Perhaps, is that from your boyfriend?"
"Of course."
"Wow, there's a man brave enough to approach you!"
"It's not like you to become jealous, Haruka!"
"I'm not jealous. I just can't stand knowing that you looked at someone besides me."
"That's called jealousy, Haruka."
(Haruka and Michiru-Sailor Moon S,Episode #107,translation courtesy of VKLL).

"These hands are dirty already. No matter what I have to do, I'll get the talisman."
"Don't worry, I like your hands."
(Haruka and Michiru-Sailor Moon S,Episode #110,translation courtesy of VKLL).

*sees Neptune bound to pink wall*
*Uranus starts to run across bridge and is wounded by arrows*
"You fell into my trap! Idiot! If somebody other than me crosses the bridge, God's penalty will be imposed."
"God's penalty?"
"Don't worry! I haven't taken away Neptune's talisman yet. Not until I finish taking the other Talisman!"
"The other . . . Talisman?"
"Yours! Never afraid of getting your hands dirty, you have been trying to protect this world. I'm talking about _your_ heart!"
"Uranus . . ."
"The talisman is sealed into a pure heart! I shouldn't have a talisman!"
"We'll see pretty soon! However, with those wounds you will probably be killed after being shot by this gun!"
*breaking free from pink wall*
*Uranus tries to cross bridge and is wounded by arrows; gets up again*
"Haruka . . . I won't let you die!"
"Wait, Neptune! Don't move!"
*Uranus is hit by arrows again; falls but gets up again*
"Out of bullets!"
*Neptune approaches Eudial and is shot with heart-crystal gun*
*Uranus remembers when Michiru said she liked her hands*
*Neptune's heart crystal appears and changes into her talisman*
(Uranus,Neptune,and Eudial[meanie!]-Sailor Moon S,Episode#110,translation courtesy of VKLL).

"It's not fair to indulge in your own world. Don't leave me alone."
(Haruka to Michiru-Sailor Moon S,episode#110,translation courtesy of VKLL).

"You've become good friends with them, did you?"
"Are you jealous?"
"Maybe . . ."
(Michiru and Haruka,Sailor Moon S,episode#92,translation courtesy of VKLL)

"Is she your girlfriend or not?"
"Is she?"
"My girlfriend? My Michiru?"(*she just refers to Michiru without a suffix, VKLL translated this as "my"*)
"My Michiru? Does that show your relationship?"
"Does it?
"Yes, but our relationship is just more than that . . . But, don't give up! You still have a chance!"
"Don't be decieved!"
"You're always saying that whenever you see a pretty girl!"
"Don't say it like that!"
"Oh? Do you think you can say anything about it to me? I wonder if I should go home with your lunch . . ."
"Oh, come on!"
"A question! Are you Haruka's girlfriend?"
"Please answer, yes or no?"
(Michiru,Haruka,Usagi-Sailor Moon S,episode#92,translation courtesy of VKLL)
